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43 articoli con 240 versioni trovati
Per chiave dinamometrica con attacco ad innesto rettangolare 9x12 mm
Per chiave dinamometrica, con attacco ad innesto rettangolare 14x18 mm
For the use of plug-in torque wrench heads with 14x18 mm square drive in torque wrenches with 9x12 mm square socket
For torque wrenches with square mount 9x12
For 1/4 inch sockets, reversible
HPQ® steel, black oxide
For assembly and disassembly of aero engines
Without ball or pin (therefore not suitable for screw tightening)
For torque wrenches with square mount 14x18
For the use of plug-in torque wrench heads with 9x12 mm square drive in torque wrenches with 14x18 mm square socket
Fixing via pin lock
Weld-on plug-in tool
For the use of plug-in torque wrench heads with side dovetail guide in torque wrenches with 9x12 mm square socket
with push-through square drive
For the use of plug-in torque wrench heads with side dovetail guide in torque wrenches with 14x18 mm square socket
Hexagon socket with annular compression spring
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