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Vendita riservata ai possessori di P.IVA
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14 articoli con 23 versioni trovati
The powered air respirator with excellent performance offers protection and comfort
Battery powered fan unit
For SR 580
Package with SR 500 fan and SR 602 hood.
Package with SR 500 fan and SR 601 hood.
SR700 fan with PVC belt
The respirator is easy to operate and can be used in a range of environments where there are risks from particles.
Spray painting package with SR 507 compressed air attachment and SR 570 visor.
SR570 face shield with hard hat
Package with fan SR 700 and full face mask SR 200. Rubber belt, head strap and hose.
Hard hat with visor, adapters and buttons.
3M Versaflo TR-819E IS breathing protection system starter pack
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