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70 articoli con 178 versioni trovati
Con profilo da agganciare 0/40/80°
Per il sistema Clip-O-Flex
Contenitore W-KLT®
Senza foro di montaggio e copertura
0/40/80° con coperture
For CLIP-O-FLEX® system
Three CLIP-O-FLEX® hook-in rails mounted on the left, right and rear. Inside with convenient pull-out system for CLIP-O-FLEX® trays, depending on version optionally 14 or 12 trays 345 x 260 x 30 mm with hook-in profile 0/40/80°
CLIP-O-FLEX® assembly trolley with 1 door and 8 trays With 3 CLIP-O-FLEX® hook-in rails mounted on the left, right and rear. Inside with convenient pull-out system for CLIP-O-FLEX® trays. Includes 8 trays 345 x 260 x 30 mm and hook-in profile 0/40/80°
For easy attachment of trays, bins and other CLIP-O-FLEX® solutions
With 3 CLIP-O-FLEX® hook-in rails mounted on the work top panel to the left, right and front. Undercounter cabinet with convenient pull-out system for CLIP-O-FLEX® trays inside. Including six trays (345 x 260 x 30 mm) and attachment profile 0/40/80°
With 4 CLIP-O-FLEX® hook-in rails for vertical mounting on the left, right and front and for horizontal mounting mounted at the rear, trays not included.
Three CLIP-O-FLEX® hook-in rails mounted on the left, right and rear. Interior with convenient pull-out system for CLIP-O-FLEX ® trays, 6 trays 345 x 260 x 30 mm with hook-in profile 0/40/80°
With three CLIP-O-FLEX® attachment rails, two trays (260 x 345 x 30 mm) and an attachment profile with 0/40/80° inclination angle
Includes nine CLIP-O-FLEX® attachment rails without trays
For workstations manufactured from the Würth aluminium profile system WAPS® picking trolley
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