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72 articoli con 2.364 versioni trovati
Uvex 1 8543
Scarpa antinfortunistica elegante che ottimizza il comfort e la traspirazione.
Steitz VD PRO 1100 ESD
These featherweight shoes combine a casual look with a high level of comfort. They are particularly suitable for use in dry environments.
Uvex2 Trend 6937
Uvex 1 8511
Uvex Motion Style 6989.8
Safety shoe with ankle protection.
Trendy safety shoe from the ELTEN DIMENSION PRO series: striking fashionable design with two-colour sole.
The ESD-capable safety shoe copes effectively with what the working day brings
uvex i-PUREnrj with optimal shock-absorbing properties and energy recovery
Elten Mila 74720
Elten ESD Stephen 72138
Steitz VD PRO 1060 ESD
Steitz ELLA
Steitz VD PRO 1460 ESD
Optimal support for the body as it moves.
Steitz® VD2200
Noticeably more comfort and significantly reduced foot fatigue.
Elten Logan 72942
A high percentage of recycled material used throughout the shaft
Elten ESD Scott 72129
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