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27 articoli con 61 versioni trovati
Ruota in gomma standard, nucleo in lamiera di acciaio
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with bolt hole for robust connection and riveted wheel mount
Ruote in gomma standard con cerchioni in lamiera, non lasciano segni, scorrevoli, grigio
Ruote in gomma standard con cerchioni in lamiera, non lasciano segni, scorrevoli, grigie
Modern transparent swivel furniture castor with screw-on plate
Manoeuvrable twin wheel swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate
Manoeuvrable fixed machinery castor with riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with locking device and bolt hole and riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
Ruota orientabile doppia per macchinari a scorrimento facilitato con piastra di avvitamento
Easy-running swivel castor with locking device and bolt hole for robust connection and riveted wheel mount
Easy-running twin wheel swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
Easy-running fixed machinery castor with riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate with riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with bolt hole and riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable twin wheel swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate
Elegant design swivel castor with screw-on plate
Con piastra fissa
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
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