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20 articoli con 32 versioni trovati
Con manico in frassino
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, nylon
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, nylon/soft metal
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, soft metal
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, super plastic
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, rubber composition/soft metal
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, super plastic
With hickory handle and hammer inserts made of nylon
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, nylon
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, super plastic/nylon
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, rubber composition/nylon
With cast steel housing and hickory handle, rubber composition
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, rubber composition/soft metal
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, super plastic/soft metal
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, rubber composition/super plastic
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, rubber composition/super plastic
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, rubber composition/nylon
With cast steel housing and wooden handle, soft metal
With reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, super plastic/nylon
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