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96 articoli con 393 versioni trovati
Alloggiamento riempito con graniglia di acciaio
With break-resistant steel tube handle and hammer inserts made of nylon
Mallet with ergonomic wooden handle, malleable cast iron housing and interchangeable hammer heads
With 3-component handle and hammer inserts made of nylon
Mallet with ergonomic wooden handle, aluminium housing and interchangeable hammer heads
Martello antirimbalzo senza contraccolpi per angoli, bordi e superfici dove i martelli con battente tondo non sono adatti.
With hickory handle and hammer inserts made of nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3022 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, composite rubber with support base/rubber composition
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3768 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, plastic/nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3767 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, copper/super plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3747 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, copper/super plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3746 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, copper/plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3738 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-mid/nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3737 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-mid/super plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3736 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-mid/plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3069 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, plastic/soft metal
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3068 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, plastic/nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3067 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, plastic/super plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3039 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, TPE-mid/soft metal
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3036 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, TPE-mid/plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3029 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, rubber composition/soft metal
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3028 with cast steel housing and wooden handle, rubber composition/nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3724 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, rubber composition/copper
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3723 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, rubber composition/TPE-mid
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3719 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-soft/soft metal
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3718 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-soft/nylon
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3717 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-soft/super plastic
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3714 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-soft/copper
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3713 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, TPE-soft/TPE-mid
Halder SIMPLEX soft-face hammer series 3709 with reinforced cast steel housing and fibreglass handle, soft metal
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