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20 articoli con 97 versioni trovati
Guanto robusto universale con occhiello integrato per il fissaggio tramite moschettone
Con magnete integrato sul dorso della mano per fissare piccoli utensili e materiali
Elysee 0870
Cut protection gloves (level B) with reinforced thumb joint for a long service life. Very supple thanks to the HDPE fibre liner.
Ansell PX130
Detachable fingers to reduce the risk of hand injuries. Suppleness and good dexterity without compromising breathability or durability
Comfort, suppleness and excellent dexterity without reducing breathability or durability.
Offers protection against sharp objects
Ansell ActivArmr® 97-120
Ansell Hynit® 32-815
KCL RewoMech 641
Cut protection gloves (level B) which, thanks to the HDPE fibre liner, combine a long service life with a high level of suppleness. Suitable for operating touchscreen devices.
Ansell ActivArmr® 07-112
Ansell HyFlex® 11-948
Ansell Hyd-Tuf® 52-502
KCL Rewomech 643
Offers protection against needlesticks and cuts
Ansell Hycron® 27-600
Ansell PU610 DG AS
Ansell KSR® 22-515
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