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21 item(ns) com 39 versões encontrado(s)
Prevents thread damage due to off-centre hammer strokes.
Extension for anchor points of type ABS-Lock III.
Permanent ladder fixture for clamping onto guttering
Manual setting tool for setting an aerated concrete plug
Bezel for sealing single anchor points and other bushings
Protects against thermal bridges
Sealing cuff for attachment points ABS-LockSeal PE/ PP/ PVC
Assembly aid for pulling the base plate upwards through the drill hole
For upper attachment of the eye bolt to 16 mm anchor points and rods.
Machine setting tool for placing an aerated concrete plug with SDS-Plus mount
Extension for anchor points of type ABS-Lock X-SR.
ABS-LockSeal Basic sealing cuff for attachment points
ABS-LockSeal BITU - sealing cuffs for attachment points
Ladder protector for permanent installation on façades
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