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Welcome to the Online Shop of Würth Industrie Service!

Whether top products, innovations, sales offers or news - here you will find all information about our products. Let us convince you and contact us if you have any questions or other concerns. 

Industry with a future: Sustainable products for industry

You will find a wide range of products in our shop that we rate as sustainable based on the categories of climate, environment, resources and emissions/pollutants, among others.



Sapato de segurança S3L EcoFresh

Sapato de segurança S3L EcoFresh

Produto de limpeza para vidros

Produto de limpeza para vidros

Removedor de insetos ECO LINE

Removedor de insetos ECO LINE

Commercial vehicle foam cleaner MULTI

Commercial vehicle foam cleaner MULTI

PCW large refuse bag

PCW large refuse bag

Óleo de manutenção Multi Plus

Óleo de manutenção Multi Plus

Cola vedante SMP

Cola vedante SMP

Versatile Kanban containers for optimal organization and efficiency

Experience the versatility of our high-quality Kanban containers, which enable you to achieve optimal organization and efficiency. Our containers fit perfectly into any Kanban shelf and also offer a wide range of uses outside of the shelf. Ideal for storing, sorting and quickly accessing your materials.
Caixa de armazenamento W-KLT

Caixa de armazenamento W-KLT

Storage box W-KLT 2.0

Storage box W-KLT 2.0

Caixa de armazenamento

Caixa de armazenamento

Tampa para caixa de armazenamento W-KLT

Tampa para caixa de armazenamento W-KLT

Caixa de armazenamento com tampa

Caixa de armazenamento com tampa

Storage box W-KLT 2.0 S small container ESD

Storage box W-KLT 2.0 S small container ESD

Storage box W-KLT 2.0 XS small container ESD

Storage box W-KLT 2.0 XS small container ESD

Storage box W-Line Basic with opening

Storage box W-Line Basic with opening

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