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Найдено 18 продукта (-ов) с 100 вариантами
Steel, galvanised, blue coated, PH drive
For use in automatic systems, roller-sorted
Steel, zinc-plated (thick-film passivation), Deltacoll-coated, PH drive. Roller-sorted
Special full-thread screw with raised countersunk head and restraining ribs for gentle attachment of window fittings in wood in indoor dry or sheltered areas
Roller-sorted full-thread screw with raised countersunk head and restraining ribs for gentle attachment of window fittings in wood in indoor dry or wet areas, suitable for use in vending machines
Special full-thread screw with raised countersunk head and restraining ribs for gentle attachment of window fittings in hardwoods in indoor dry or sheltered areas
The ASSY screw for all wooden window construction and furniture construction fittings.
ALZ-coated steel, AW drive. For use in automatic systems, roller-sorted
Steel, galvanized, blue passivated
Steel, galvanized, blue passivated, AW drive
For mounting fittings on wooden windows.
Steel, galvanized, blue passivated, PH drive
ALZ-coated steel, PH drive. For use in automatic systems, roller-sorted
Special full threaded screw with raised countersunk head and restraining ribs for gap-free fastening close to edges. For mounting of metal fittings to timber windows without pre-drilling the wood
Steel, galvanized (thick-layer passivation), Deltacoll-coated, AW drive
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