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Найдено 27 продукта (-ов) с 61 вариантами
Standard all-rubber tyres, sheet steel rims
Easy-running twin wheel swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
Standard all-rubber tyres with sheet steel rims, non-chalking, trackless, grey
Easy-running swivel castor with locking device and bolt hole for robust connection and riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with locking device and bolt hole and riveted wheel mount
Easy-running fixed machinery castor with riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable twin wheel swivel machinery castor with screw-on plate
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate with riveted wheel mount
Manoeuvrable fixed machinery castor with riveted wheel mount
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate and riveted wheel mount
Easy-running twin wheel swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate
With fixed plate
Manoeuvrable twin wheel swivel machinery castor with locking device and screw-on plate
Manoeuvrable swivel machinery castor with bolt hole and riveted wheel mount
Modern transparent swivel furniture castor with screw-on plate
Easy-running swivel machinery castor with bolt hole for robust connection and riveted wheel mount
Elegant design swivel castor with screw-on plate
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