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Найдено 36 продукта (-ов) с 83 вариантами
The DIANOZ 3D printer nozzle ensures uniform material extrusion, smooths the component surface during printing and offers maximum wear protection even with highly abrasive materials.
100 % lead- and cadmium-free
Metal adhesion promoter for metal filaments such as BASF Ultrafuse 316L and Ultrafuse 17-4 PH
Thread inserts for inserting into 3D-printed plastic components made from materials such as PLA, PETG, ABS etc.
PP adhesion promoter for polypropylene
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints - the 3D printing bed adhesive specially designed for polycarbonate materials
The Magigoo Coater offers a reliable bonding layer for your printing process to reduce the deformation effect
Specially developed for use with Bondtech CHT nozzles to improve flow performance of your vulcaniser
Brass (lead- and cadmium-free), double knurled for secure seating, can be melted into thermoplastics
PC adhesion promoter for polycarbonate
Standard adhesion promoter for PLA, ABS, HiPS, PETG and TPU
PPGF adhesion promoter for glass-filled polypropylene
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints - the 3D printing bed adhesive specially designed for polypropylene materials
The MAGIGOO coater expansion kit silicone roller can be used as an applicator for large printing beds
The adhesion promoter set for 3D printing PA, PC, PP and PLA, ABS, HiPS, PETG and TPU provides reliable adhesion on hot printing beds and enables easy removal of the part and adhesive residue after cooling
PA adhesion promoter for polyamide
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints - the 3D printing bed adhesive specially designed for polyamide materials
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