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17 article(s) avec 24 versions trouvées
Protection idéale pour les travaux de ponçage et dusinage ainsi que contre les projections de produits liquides et métal en fusion
The visor affords the wearer comfortable and safe breathing and eye protection.
Robust, lightweight face shield with special plug adapter for attaching to standard industrial hard hats
Visor with U-shaped helmet bracket for attachment to standard industrial hard hats in lightweight plastic design
Combined head, breathing, eye and face protection
Reliable face protection even when not wearing a helmet
Robust face shield with integrated forehead cover and additional head protection hood
With K1P ear defenders
Complete set with clear, scratch-resistant and anti-fog polycarbonate lens
Low weight, low breathing resistance and comfortable to wear.
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Protection idéale pour les travaux de ponçage et d'usinage ainsi que contre les projections de produits liquides et métal en fusion